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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
Dr Slimane khayi
INRA-Biotechnology Research Unit

I am looking for a project to join
It's a pleasure to introduce myself as a bioinformatician and genomics researcher. My expertise lies in utilizing computational methods to analyze genomic data. I have a strong background in next-generation sequencing, genome assembly, transcriptome analysis, and comparative genomics. I am particularly interested in population genomics, microbiology, and conservation genomics.
My expertise in next-generation sequencing, genome assembly, and comparative genomics can be instrumental in uncovering the genetic diversity and adaptation potential of various species within the context of nature-based solutions. By studying the biology of interactions between species and their environments, we can develop innovative strategies to restore and preserve biodiversity while ensuring positive impacts on human well-being.
Biology of interactions
Plant Biotechnology
Plant Protection
Population Genetics
Selection using molecular markers
to actively participate in research projects focused on assessing and restoring biodiversity in specific ecosystems by leveraging cutting-edge tools and technologies. It will involves applying advanced methodologies such as remote sensing, DNA barcoding, metagenomics, and ecological modeling to evaluate the current state of biodiversity, identify key threats, and develop targeted conservation strategies.
biodiversity assessment, biodiversity restoration, ecosystems, cutting-edge tools technologies, remote sensing, dna barcoding, metagenomics, ecological modeling, threat identification, conservation strategies

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