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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
Dr Benjamin Misson
Toulon University
Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography

I am looking for a project to join
In order to better understand and manage human pressures on Mediterranean coasts, I study the marine microbiome in terms of :
- dynamics, structure and diversity (plankton, sediments)
- responses to natural and human-induced variabilities in the marine coastal environment
- contribution to the fate of chemical contaminants and dissolved organic matter in the coastal Mediterranean sea
Main ecosystems studied: urbanized bays, ports, estuaries (superficial as well as subterranean).
Experience in interactions with stakeholders in the field of environmental management.
Biology of interactions
Biology of Organisms
Marine Biology
Molecular Biology
Other Biological Sciences
Population Biology
We are looking for a project dealing with the use of marine biodiversity to better assess marine environmental quality and provide science-based evidences of effects useful for decision making and reducing human impacts.
We could contribute with microbial diversity analyses (taxonomic and functional) as well as conventional physical and chemical measurements for environmental diagnostic. Possibility to develop approaches ranging from high resolution-low frequency to low resolution-high frequency (in terms of spatial and temporal scale). Applicable to a wide range of coastal contexts: harbors, estuaries, aquaculture, industries, mangroves, ...
marine biodiversity, environmental quality, impact reduction, microbial communities, ecotoxicology, biomonitoring, bioindication
Gordon Research Conference (Applied and environmental microbiology, South Hadley, USA)

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