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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a partner (for my project)
Contact details
PhD Radosław Kowalski
Warmińsko Mazurskie
Institute of Animal Production and Food Research
Gamete and Embryo Biology

I am looking for a partner (for my project)
Research and Project Management: I have successfully planned, organized, and managed research projects, demonstrating my ability to set objectives, design experiments, coordinate resources, and oversee the implementation of research activities.
Coral Reef Conservation: My expertise lies in coral reef conservation, where I have acquired in-depth knowledge of the challenges facing coral reefs due to climate change, ocean acidification, and habitat degradation. I am committed to finding innovative solutions for coral reef restoration and conservation.
Reproductive Biology: I possess a strong understanding of coral reproductive biology, particularly in studying coral spawning patterns and assessing the impact of environmental conditions on coral reproduction. I have conducted research to evaluate the genetic diversity of coral populations, recognizing its importance for ecosystem health and resilience.
Cryopreservation Techniques: I have explored cryopreservation methods for coral sperm, gaining knowledge in the field of cryobiology and reproductive technologies. My focus on optimizing cryopreservation protocols showcases my proficiency in laboratory techniques and my dedication to preserving genetic diversity for coral conservation purposes.
Collaboration and Networking: I place great emphasis on international cooperation, collaboration, and networking in the field of coral research.
Animal Biotechnology
Animal Husbandry
Developmental Biology
Evolutionary Biology
Fisheries Science and Technology
Genetics and heredity (excluding Medical Genetics)
Livestock Production
Marine Biology
Population Genetics
Reproductive Biology (excluding medical)
Selection and breed improvement
Selection using molecular markers
This project aims to create a comprehensive database of corals raised in individual aquaria and public facilities such as marine museums or oceanariums. The database will facilitate contact and collaboration with selected individuals involved in observing natural spawning events in these controlled environments. The project aims to evaluate the behavioral patterns of corals outside their natural climate zones, without exposure to natural light regimes and tidal changes. Additionally, the project will provide a brief description of the genetic diversity of corals raised in aquaria.
By focusing on the reproduction patterns of a chosen species (selected based on abundance from the database), the project seeks to understand the effects of domestication on coral behavior. Furthermore, genetic research will offer valuable insights into the genetic diversity of this unique dispersed coral reef.
The findings from this project have the potential to contribute to restocking initiatives and promote proactive biodiversity management in these exceptional ecosystems. The ultimate goal is to enhance the understanding and conservation of corals by utilizing this dispersed coral reef as a valuable resource.
Moreover, based on this research, it is possible to create experimental artificial coral reefs on which the effects of climate change and ocean acidification can be tested. These experiments will provide valuable results for forecasting the impact of these factors on natural reefs.
coral reef, climate change, global warming, acidification, biodiversity, reproduction, assisted evolution, cryopreservation, hybridisation, climate change simulation
Aquaculture Europe 2023

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