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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
Lecturer Sarah Dickin
Uppsala University

I am looking for a project to join
I am interested in how water and sanitation services can be delivered as NBS, and how such NBS could increase climate resilience, reduce inequalities due to gender or other forms of social marginalization, and promote planetary health and wellbeing. My expertise is in social-science methodologies related to environment and health, including participatory approaches with stakeholders. Recent publications have evaluated gender impacts of water and sanitation services, and ongoing work links this to climate.
Public Health and Environmental Health
Spatial planning and urban development
I am interested in a project that includes investigating how water and sanitation services can be delivered as NBS, particularly in low-income countries, such as in a case study. I am interested in how water and sanitation NBS could increase climate resilience, reduce inequalities due to gender or other forms of social marginalization, and promote planetary health and wellbeing. I could contribute in terms of social-science methodologies related to environment, health and inequalities, including participatory approaches with stakeholders.
inequalities, water, sanitation, gender, climate resilience, social sciences, environmental justice, co-creation, stakeholders, planetary health

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