Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2022-2023 on "Improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society (BiodivMon)"
Looking for a Contact Country Description
project Mr Trevor Wolf Wolf South Africa Conservation Planning, Spatial Analisys, Conservation GIS Management & Development, Conservation Planning
project PhD Rosalino Portugal I would like to join a project focused on biodiversity conservation, and: 1) targeting the conciliation of forestry and agriculture activities with biodiversity protection, in a sustainable production framework; or 2) climate change effects on species' spatial and temporal ecology.
project Junior Associate Professor Vaquero Pi... Italy Agri-food policy and Geographical Indications
project Dipl.-Kfm. BSc Economics Berlin Germany I am interested in projects regarding the technogical measurement of biodiversity gains and losses down to a specific farm or region. Especially interesting is the translation of this data into a cerfication scheme that could complement CO2 certificates and into consumer information to justify hi...
project Associate Professor Bourke Ireland Could join international consortia and provide field sites in Ireland.
project Assistant Professor F. Saudi Arabia A Plant Taxonomist Expert and a principal investigator (PI) for a ‘Threatened and endangered Native Plant Species of Saudi Arabia’ sponsored by King Abdulaziz University, The Ministry of Higher Education in Riyadh, SA.
project Dr Skouteri Greece I am interested in to join in any project of the three topics of the call.
project Assoc. Prof. Ozalp Turkey have a look at the researchgate please
project PhD Breves Ramos Portugal I am a Brazilian biologist, with a PhD in Zoology, with a double citizenship (from Czech Rep.) living in Portugal and interested in studies about marine biodiversity, focusing on molluscs, specially vermetid gastropods and invasive bivalves. I am also interested in the different aspects of Natura...
project PhD Hrivniak Czech Republic I would like to join a project focused on DNA barcoding, biodiversity of aquatic insects, water quality assessment, environmental management, and conservation of freshwater habitats.
project PhD Hrivniak Slovakia I would like to join a project focused on DNA barcoding, monitoring of aquatic insects, water quality assessment, habitat protection, and environmental management.
project Dr. Mirutenko Ukraine I would like to join a project related to biodiversity research, biodiversity barcoding, loss of biodiversity under climate change, distribution of invasive species.
project Searcher Ben mansour Spain I would like to joint project wich discuss all questions related to natural preservation and escosystem services assessement.
project Msc Student Alves Camacho Brazil I am interested in projects that have the Amazon biome as their area of study in which I can contribute with my knowledge, I am interested in projects that have the Amazon biome as their area of study in which I can contribute with my knowledge having as a starting point the disciplines listed as...
project Associate Scientist Alhuseen Czech Republic I would like to an ongoing project that interests in studying Blue and Green infrastructures as coping mechanism and as sustainable adaptation solution in cities and urban centers for the anticipated climate change impacts. Also, I have interest to join a project that tackle the issue of preferen...
project dr. Dermauw Belgium biodiversity of soil mites, metabarcoding, eDNA, CRISPR of arthropod pests
project Chief Senior Researcher Kaya Turkey I would like to take part in projects related to toxicology and cytogenetics. I can also take part in projects on freshwater fish and environmental pollution, which is my area of ​​expertise.
project PhD Darras Germany A project for generating sustainability and environmental advances by designing technology-driven or automated biodiversity monitoring methods
project PHD Dos Santos Brazil I'm currently developing a research project about the occurrence, distribution and characterization of trace elements in marine organisms of the Todos os Santos Bay, Brazil. It is the biggest bay of Brazil. I am interested in establishing future partnerships related to the monitoring and evaluat...
project N Ciorchina Moldova Transnational monitoring of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests state and resistance improving of different origins beech seedlings to abiotic stress
project Ph.D. Tsymbal Ukraine A system for analyzing and forecasting the dynamics of areas with the level of groundwater, followed by mapping the obtained material, as well as quantifying the amount of losses from crop losses due to flooding of the territory.
project Associate Profesor Klimek-Kopyra Poland I looking for project to join which include broad teamtic dedicated to crop and plant biodiversity. I have very good agronomic bacjground, but I also allowed to do analysis dedictaed to crop and plant biodiversity.
project mastering Caixeta Brazil The hybrid territory can be understood as a space that allows rural and urban social relations and spatialization to take place. In this sense, there is an overlap between what can be identified as a rural way of life over a geographic spatiality called urban. With this, another socio-spatial dim...
project Pr Boujrouf Morocco Axis 1: History, heritage and sustainable development: The case of Marrakech and its territory. Axis 2: Dynamics of spaces and mobilities in the territories Axis 3: Dynamics, risks and natural environments in the mountains and in the surrounding areas Axis 4: Diagnosis, planning and developmen...
project Professor Polidori Brazil Digital elevation modeling and remote sensing in the tropics (e.g. Amazon basin) and application to the characterization of continental ecosystems
project Dr. rer. nat Lyam Germany I have interest in projects
project Dr Binet France looking to join the Consheath project with Aarrhus university (Pi : C Damgaard) on heathlands resilience
project PhD Researcher Ferreira Paiva Brazil I seek to participate in projects focused on biomonitoring and conservation of the diversity of aquatic ecosystems. In addition, research aimed at environmental education of society seeking the sustainable use of natural resources.
project Pr. HMIMSA Morocco project which is generally interested in Mediterranean vegetation and in particular its resilience and adaptation to climate change.
project Dr. AKADJE Côte d’Ivoire I would like to join a project on plant phenology in wet lands. I am also interesting by project on plant biodiversity monitoring and conservation.
project Dr. Suciu Romania BEIA is looking for partners to join with experience from IoT projects for biodiversity such as SmartSense, SeaForest, SIMCA, SMARTCHAIN, S4F, CarbaDetect, iPREMAS, U-GARDEN and sustainable agri-food ecosystems ADCATER, SmartAgro, DISAVIT, FarmSustainABL, SA-TERRA, SWAM, RRREMAKER, FoodFriend, Ch...
project Professor of Higher éducation EL AZZ... Morocco Impact of climate change on biodiversity in the Mediterranean
project Professor SAMMOUDI Morocco - The assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services of protected areas, - Cork oak forest dieback factors according to an entomological approach
project Professor SAMMOUDI Morocco - The assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services of protected areas, - The updating of the taxonomy of the reference collections of insects in the museum of the Scientific Institute and the faunal inventory by natural ecosystem. - Cork oak forest dieback factors according to an entomologic...
project Assistant Professor Maher Tunisia I would like to join projects that deal with the impact of recent sea level rise on low-lying coasts. The flooding of marshes is associated with a loss of biota and a weakening of the biodiversity of the marine ecosystem. The hydro-sedimentary characterization of these coastal environments is po...
project Dr. Hansen Iceland Seabird migratory and foraging ecology, mapping foraging trips with GPS and migration using GLS. Diet studies using DNA meta-barcoding. Population dynamics and conservation of seabirds.
project Student Rasool Pakistan I am a dedicated, hard working highly skilled Ecologist with extensive experience in, and enthusiasm for, carrying out fieldwork. In my current job, my key duties include conducting surveys of protected habitats, classifying species, environmental monitoring and writing scientific reports. I have...
project Graduate Oliveira Portugal NBI is a Business & Ecology SME from Portugal, specialized in Creating Options for a Nature-Based Economy. We combine scientific knowledge and practical solutions to turn nature risks into opportunities, leverage nature-based opportunities, and value natural capital. Our consultancy and training...
project Ph. Senior Researcher Tache Romania Project to join: - Design of green infrastructure around large cities. - Definition of ecological networks at macro and micro level (countries, country, region, local). - The use of GIS and UAV in the field of biodiversity. - The implementation of the ecological network in the documentation of u...
project Acadêmico de Ciências Biológicas C... Brazil Como o tema proposto está inserido na grande área de de biodiversidade, acredito que poderei contribuir com meu conhecimento sobre a temática, como biólogo pesquisador.
project M.Sc. Delinschi Romania We are interested in projects that need software development components, including AI, ML and AR/VR/XR.
project Dr. Zhao Norway I am look for a project that requires to carry out research in the field of a peatland or a forest or implementing machine learning in practical matters.
project Ph.D. candidate Diem Portugal I am looking for a project to join for Theme 1. My team and I developed a monitoring method (structures) that can be applied to coastal areas, marinas/harbors and also Marine Protected Areas. It provides data about species arrival (including non-native species), community composition and abundanc...
project PHD Ramos Leite Brazil I am currently participating in the project "Ecosystem services at risk with insect decline in the face of global change" in the interest of understanding and mitigating these trends. I am looking for a project to work in Brazil, with main focus on the biomes of Minas Gerais-BR , with the theme...
project Dr Prifti France Any project where we can bring in our skills and experience in Deep learning.
project Prof Boyer France I am interested to join a conservation or a restoration project in which animal trophic interactions and/or biological control are studied. I am increasingly interested in the gradient between forests and intensive agricultural landscapes. This includes agroforestry as a study system.
project Dr Douh Tunisia Innovation and harmonization of methods and tools for collection and management of biodiversity monitoring data Addressing knowledge gaps on biodiversity status, dynamics, and trends to reverse biodiversity loss
project PhD Akkaya Turkey I am specialized in Conservation Biology, mainly about Marine Mammals but I am open to join any projects which my experiences and skills can contribute to. I have advance knowledge and routine application of PAM(Passive Acoustic Monitoring systems), Photo identification, highly quilified at orga...
project phd tomchinsky Brazil I´m looking partners for a project about traditional ecological kwolodge transformations related with landscape and cultural transformations in the Amazon, ethnobotany and bioeconomy.
project Dr. Sultana Germany Currently, I am contributing to improving wildlife documentation in urban areas of one European city, Freiburg. The project is in collaboration with 'Urban Wildlife Information Network (UWIN)' and placed at the department of Wildlife Ecology and Management, University of Freiburg (https://www.wil...
project Professor Çağlayan Turkey I am interested in projects that are related to agriculture and biodiversity, plant-microbe interactions and biodiversity. Beside this, I am also open for any other transdisciplinary projects.
project Professor Cordeiro Portugal The greatest challenges of our time: environmental pollution, climate change, and sustainable food. Microalgae are photosynthetic microorganisms capable of solving environmental pollution, decarbonize the environment and solving the food paradigm. However, environmental pollution and climate chan...
project Prof Mhamdi Tunisia THEME 1 – Innovation and harmonization of methods and tools for collection and management of biodiversity monitoring data
project Dr Bejaoui kefi Tunisia THEME 1 – Innovation and harmonization of methods and tools for collection and management of biodiversity monitoring data
project PhD Cristea Romania We would like to be part of a project which is studying biodiversity with acoustic monitoring methods.
project PhD Leweri Tanzania (United Republic of) I would like to join project that focus on biodiversity conservation with the following research areas: Landscape ecology, Biodiversity and Ecosystems Management, Ecology, Biological Invasions, Pollinator-Monitoring, Ecological Restoration, and Climate Change Adapt...
project associate professor Ben Chaaban Tunisia I would be keen to join a project studying (1) the biodiversity (mites and insects) in oases and their consequences for ecosystem function and persistence. (2) plant-insect interraction (3) climate change: insects and mites ecology and biology (4)Use of botanicals (plant extracts and essenti...
project Dr. Calo Italy We would like to join projects concerning the analysis of the impact of plastic pollutants on marine/river/land ecosystems and biodiversity. If there are partners interested on this topic, we are willingful to build a project together. Competencies needed: - biodiversity and correlation with pol...
project Representative of Researchers at Putn... Latvia Food web impact on biodiversity.
project Represent Researchers of Scienti Putn... Latvia Food chain impact on biodiversity.
project Dr. Esposito Italy I am looking for partners interested in environmental microbiome monitoring, I am involved myself in a project on groundwater microbiome.
project Assistant professor Soltani Tunisia I am looking for a project to join and which deal about the Survey of insect biodiversity within fruit orchards. As a first step of any scientific work, it is important to establish the current situation of the biodiversity of insects within any agroecosystems before starting any management progr...
project Mr Monteiro Portugal LOOKING FOR PROJECTS THAT WISH TO: - work in close contact with local communities; - work with a civil society NGO; - work in ways to engage with local communities, such as citizen science; - work in the topics of local sustainability, from backyards, to home food production, to environmental and...
project Dr. ODABAŞI Turkey aguatic worms taxonomy and ecology
project Dr Wildenberg Austria In the call "Improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society” we could contribute with our experience in citizen science approaches. We would be highly interested to support projects that improve the monitoring of success towards national biodivers...
project Dr Marchowski Poland The use of data from the monitoring of seabirds, integration of the database and methodologies, and testing new monitoring solutions, e.g. using drones. Map the distribution and density of birds at sea and create maps of threats and pressures for birds.
project Asst Professor Vatzias Greece Study ethological partners of the Wildboar as an invasive species in different ecosystems and its negative impact to both domestic and wildlife fauna including the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms (species and non-species specific)
project Staff member in Fish Diseases De SHAR... Libya - Marine pollution - Marine biodiversity - Marine Biology - Marine aquaculture - Marine Fish diseases - Marine Biotechnology
project Professor Kammon Libya Broad thematic related to our expertise
project Dr. Kolter Germany create/curate plant barcode reference databases
project PhD. Mangot Spain I'll be thrilled to be part of a project that would be interested in investigating the links between microbial biodiversity and function in aquatic environments. I'll be interested to join any broad or very focus proposal that would like to explore the ecological role of microbes in aquatic food ...
project Professor Radji Togo Themes: biodiversity informatics, natural resources management, landscaping and urban agriculture, horticulture Looking for partners
project Ass. Prof. Brydegaard Sweden I am looking to combine entomological lidar for biodiversity assessment with other techniques.
project Prof. Kowalska Poland Different systems of agriculture (including management) and their impact on biodiversity of harmful and beneficial insects, harmful and beneficial microorganisms and weeds.
project Phd de Cortes Brazil I would like to contribute on a project to develop my skills and to provide data on Lower Amazon Region together with a broader scale.
project Researcher (PhD) Battaglia Italy I would like to take part in a project that focuses on marine ecology, environment and biodiversity. In particular I'm interested in the following research lines/areas: fish and cephalopod ecology, trophic web, mesopelagic environment and deep-sea, fishing resources
project PhD Krzymińska Poland We are interested in joining a project on the biodiversity of an agricultural environment (including beneficial insects and pests, microorganisms and weeds) and the influence of organic, intensive and sustainable farming on biodiversity and productivity. We are also interested in the usefulness o...
project PhD T. Monteiro Portugal · THEME 1 – Innovation and harmonization of methods and tools for collection and management of biodiversity monitoring data · THEME 2 – Addressing knowledge gaps on biodiversity status, dynamics, and trends to reverse biodiversity loss · THEME 3 – Making use of available...
project Professor Dr. ODABAŞI Turkey I would like to take part in a project that emphasizes the importance of biodiversity in terms of ecosystem health, ensures the harmony of innovations in science and makes the activities visible.
project Prof. ATES Turkey I would like to join a project on marine ecology, environment, and biodiversity.
project Dr. Vaglio Laurin Italy linking biodiversity data to remote sensing (hyperspectral, radar, multispectral, lidar)
project DVM, PhD BEATO Italy We are interested in projects within theme 1. In particular we are interested in projects related to the interactions of viruses and environment and project on Biobanking for veterinary medicine
project PhD Zekker Estonia Would be interested in collaborating in nutrient cycling, heavy metal pollution or other various researches.
project Assistant Prof. Dr. Schinegger Austria Open for requests & ideas
project Professor Cools Belgium vaginal microbiome, clinical isolates, Africa, Europe, cystic fibrosis, identification, typing, antimicrobial resistance, phages, phage therapy
project Dr. Berrached Algeria I would like to join a project on plant phylogeny ans plant phenology in arid and semi-arid lands. I am also interesting by project on plant biodiversity monitoring and conservation. I can discus on other projects dealing with plants.
project Dr. Munteanu Romania I'm currently looking for projects which need expertise in proteomics, glycoproteomics, phosphoproteomics or other mass-spectrometry based-omics related analysis.
project PhD Student Kucab Poland My motivation is to support and share my knowledge and experience in education as well as acocrtical theory. I want to work really hard to create such tools and mechanism to create programmes and workshops promoting biodiversity protection in schools as well as society. I have graudated Philosoph...
project PhD Fernandes Brazil Projects that assess how climate change is impacting the composition of plants and seeds
project PhD Alagador Portugal I would like to join a project focused on the protection of biodiversity or ecosystems services designed such to prioritize optomized decisions/policies. The integration of issues like climate change impacts and land use dynamics, the unstable balance between ecological benefits, ecosystem servi...
project Assoc. Dr. KARAKAŞ Türkiye Farmer behavior and climate change adaptation.
project PhD Chomel France I am interested in the three themes of the call, and more specifically to join project in relation of sustainable agriculture: - Characterization of global soil biodiversity in agricultural soils (Theme 1 and 3) - What is the level of biodiversity that we need to manage our agricultural soil in ...
project PhD Associate Professor Tanase Romania microbial communities
project Full Professor Malavasi Italy A project investigating nektonic communties or populations living in transitional waters and wetland areas, with a particular focus on the interactions between invasive and native species in a perspective of management and restoration.
project PhD Grech Italy Biodiversity assesment, possibly with innovative tools Addressing knowledge gaps on biodiversity status, dynamics, and trends to reverse biodiversity loss and Making use of available biodiversity monitoring data
project MSc. Elleboode France Within this Biodiversa+ call for project, Biotope is looking for a project to join. Considering its wide field of expertise, Biotope may be interested in any project linked to the monitoring of natural habitats, Flora and Fauna (especially the following groups: Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibia...
project Associate Professor Sorin Romania development and use of integrated methods for mapping degraded ecosystems/ GIS processing of the cause-effect relation of ecosystem degradation
project msc FIRIDIN Turkey We contribute to the protection of biological diversity, especially the production and release of endangered species into the nature through conservation efforts. By supporting genetics breeding programmes, we ensure that superior fish meet with the producer. in our laboratories, molecular resea...
project Assist. Prof. Güzel Turkey I would like to participate in a project related to Southwest Asian biodiversity and theoretical/practical actions to ensure its sustainability, especially regarding to the Theme 3 (Making use of available biodiversity monitoring data).
project Professor Dr. GÜL Turkey We focus on biodiversity monitoring of amphibians and reptiles; therefore, we can join project issues including conservation, systematic, pollution, life-history and modeling.
project Ph.D. Levante Italy I would like to join a project where different ecosystems are compared (i.e. soil ecosystems, food environment, plant/crops ecosystems, especially when these can be linked to food production/preparation), or different treatment of the same ecosystem. In this way, biodiversity can be revealed by a...
project Dr Lønborg Denmark Looking for a project that potentially joins data, stats and models.
project MSc. GRAÇA Portugal The projects we are searching for would have a focus on addressing commercial agriculture as systems management, specifically in the field of viticulture. We are mostly interested in approaches of agroecology, holobiont or hologenome but also in more specialized approaches such as functional biod...
project Associate Professor AVCI Turkey We are looking for a project to join in Theme 2. Addressing knowledge gaps on biodiversity status, dynamics, and trends to reverse biodiversity loss. We are open to other themes as well.
project Associate Professor Dawud Ethiopia I am interested in joining projects that work on biodiversity monitoring and management.
project Dr Sinerchia Italy Theme 1- innovation and harmonization of methods and tools for collection and management of biodiversity monitoring data Theme 2 – addressing knowledge gaps on biodiversity status, dynamics and trends to reverse biodiversity loss. A specific environment we’d like to explore regards transitio...
project PhD Yahyaoglu Turkey We are looking for international collaborations on mountain biodiversity especially related to Theme 2 and 3. We would like to study Anatolian mountain systems to uncover climate change responses and population dynamics.
project Professor Aktan Turan Turkey Key habitats in Mediterrannean, coastal eutrophication, algal ecology, seagrass, coralligenous habitats
project Assist. Prof. Karadurmuş Turkey We are interested in joining projects on marine ecosystem and aquatic science.
project Dr. Dionisio Pires Netherlands I am looking for a project that would like to include biodiversity of inland waters as a case study. In the Netherlands, I can offer data from in situ, EO and models, of lake Markermeer from several decades. In this lake, several measures to improve the ecological status and biodiversity, have be...
project PhD Lang France I am interested in the following themes : - Harmonized biodiversity monitoring methods, (with a focus on freshwater ecosystem restoration actions - ponds, streams...). - Use of eDNA tool to describe the distribution of protected crayfish (A. pallipes) and the status of crayfish populations - ...
project Dr Martinez de Oliveira Brazil I am looking for a proposal to collaborate in the topics of soil microbial biodiversity (SOB) and ecology; SOB and ecosystems functioning; SOB and ecosystem services; restoration of SOB; impact of agriculture practices in the SOB; a proposal that involve biodiversity/functioning/ecology/ of plant...
project Dr. Pacheco Labrador Germany I would like to participate in a project which wants to make use of new metrics and techniques to characterize plant functional diversity using remote sensing, and exploit this information in the context of biogeochemistry. Our department has wide expertise on the use of remote sensing data at gl...
project Professor DJEBALI Tunisia I want to join a project dealing with microbial ecology and biodiversity for imporving plant response to environnemental contraints.
project Dr Konowalik Poland I would like to join especially projects dealing with genetic diveristy and phylogeography. I would be also interested in projects with a spatial dimension that tackle species distributional changes. Possible project topics include inference of migration corridors, population connectivity, geneti...
project MSc Krüger Germany We are looking to join projects aiming to address and support the various specific practices of biodiversity monitoring or subsequent biodiversity protection actions. This could, for example, mean studying the practices of professional or citizen scientists involved in monitoring specific species...
project M.A. Rozwalka Poland We are interested to join a project on biodiversity monitoring data in agriculture. We possess 7.400 hectares of farmland enabling to produce 10-12 thousand tons of seeds annually as well as modern breeding and seed production buildings, greenhouses and field equipment.
project Associate professor Sbissi Tunisia I am looking for a project that would be interested in studying halophyte diversity as well as plant-microbe interactions within saline ecosystems.
project M.Sc. Stratemann Germany There is particular interest in projects focusing on the highly complex and largely unexplored soil ecosystem. No differentiation is made between above- and below-ground soil life. We strive for the spatial, temporal and methodological consolidation of above- and below-ground soil biodiversity mo...
project Mr Morenikeji Nigeria Water Pollution Disaster Risk Reduction Community Hazard Identification and Mapping Disaster Education
project Dr Nnnadi Nigeria In contrast to native fungi in their centre of origin, pathogen epidemics and outbreaks are studied in great detail, and this has distorted our understanding of genetic diversity in natural populations of fungi. The environment has a significant impact on the spread of infections and also has a l...
project Prof. Dr. Sassen Germany Extending from our research fields and expertise, we would like to join a project that focuses on Theme 3 “Making use of available biodiversity monitoring data” which also is interested in understanding how available biodiversity monitoring data is/ can be best used in the transnational publi...
project Dr Tassou Greece We could join a project dealing with Food microbiota, Food microbial diversity, Fermented food microbiota, Functional microbial foods, Probiotics, Food Biotechnology
project Dr Tassou Greece We would like to join a project in the above mentioned fields to take part in communication and dissemination to our memebrs and to a wider audience as members of Federation of European Microbiological societies (FEMS), and International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS).
project R&D Project Manager Gracia-Berges France Any project involving in-situ measurements, sensors, remote acting on sensors, etc, could benefit from Kinéis' satellite Internet of Things data connectivity with global coverage to gather field data from multiple sensors, worldwide.
project Dr. Pothier Switzerland We are looking forward to join a project using eDNA, metabarcoding and sequencing.
project PhD Dupont Germany I am looking for a project that would be interested in determining the health of a system based on the microbial community (bacteria, protists and fungi) composition and interactions within this system.
project Fundraising and partnership Malley Tanzania (United Republic of) We are interested in partnering with the organizations in this call for proposal
project Dr. Veylit Norway Looking to be part of a consortium of people applying to theme 1 or 3 interested in topics such as data interoperability, bio-monitoring in different conditions/habitats, developing digital tools for interacting with data from bio monitoring studies.
project Dr. Braun Germany open to join any topic involving the collection, harmonization and analysis of spatial data
project Assoc.Prof. Dr. Rewald Austria I am looking for a project to join which wants/thinks about including belowground aspects in their relevant RQ. If my expertise might match or might help to expand the set goals, please do not hesitate to contact me for an informal discussion. Currently, I am most interested to join projects ...
project Dr Mariappan India Project focusing on biodivsersity monitoring including aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.
project Dr. Ding Netherlands I am interested in projects that are related to (any of items below): 1. climate change and biodiversity 2. agriculture and biodiversity 3. urban design and biodiversity 4. plant-microbe-human interactions and biodiversity I am also open to dialog for any other transdisciplinary projects.
project Dr. Norkevičienė Lithuania I would like to join a project interested in vegetation analysis, biodiversity measurements, monitoring and assessment of EU importance habitats.
project Dr Alevizos Greece I am looking for projects related to thematic area 1: " Innovation and harmonization of methods and tools for collection and management of biodiversity monitoring data" Particularly interested in projects on: benthic habitat mapping spanning from wetland and coastal areas to deep seafloor.
project Assist. Prof., PhD Elersek Slovenia My group is looking for a project from Theme 1 and/or Theme 3 to join, preferably including water environments, that pur expertise with freshwater biodiversity, ecology, molecular monitoring, and traditional WFD monitoring of primary producers in waters (algae/cyanobacteria) can be usefull.
project PhD Norte Portugal Effects of anthropogenic stressors on wildlife using vertebrate sentinel organisms
project M.Sc. Esquivel Germany We are open to participating in proposal addressing any of the funding themes: • Innovation and harmonisation of methods and tools for collection and management of biodiversity monitoring data • Addressing knowledge gaps on biodiversity status, dynamics, and trends to reverse biodiversity los...
project PhD Madeira Portugal Climate change impacts on biodiversity / fisheries / aquaculture
project Dr Shunmuga Velayutham India Monitoring Biodiversity of aqautic and terrestrial in various aspects with multidisciplinary approaches to find possible solutions
project PhD Ojija Tanzania (United Republic of) I would like to join project that focus on biodiversity conservation with the following research areas Biodiversity and Ecosystems Management, Ecology, Biological Invasions, Plant-Plant Interactions, Insect-Plant Interaction, Pollinator-Monitoring, Ecological Restoration, and Climate Change Adapt...
project PhD Ojija Tanzania (United Republic of) I would like to join project that work on Biodiversity monitoring, Ecosystems Management, Ecology, Biological Invasions, Plant-Plant Interactions, Insect-Plant Interaction, Pollinator-Monitoring, Ecological Restoration, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation. His research interests lie in the f...
project Dr. Küzmič Slovenia We would be very interested in joining projects that incorporate biodiversity data collection (flora, fauna, and plant communities), data management, big biodiversity dataset analyses, and use of such data in nature conservation (rearing, supplementation, reintroduction, monitoring scheme setups)...
project Dr Moiroux France I would like to join a project interested in the measure, the determinants and modeling of mosquito diversity in West Africa (past, present and future) and their links to vector-borne diseases.
project Associate Professor/Senior lectu Garc... Spain Working on biodiversity informatics, main developer of Modestr, a free software that integrates biodiversity, environmental, GIS and genetic data, with many tools for analysing ecological niches, spatial and environmental overlaps, biogeographic distributions, SDM, inventories completeness, link...
project Professor Mechichi Tunisia i'm open to join any type of projects including water, soil or plant protection using bacteria or fungi
project Prof. Mintchev Switzerland We develop robotic solutions to automate the collection of environmental DNA in terrestrial ecosystems. We are currently testing drones to autonomously aggregate and collect surface eDNA from vegetation. Recently, we have also started to explore the collection of airborne eDNA while drones are i...
project Senior Research Associate FRS-FN Wilm... Belgium I would be interested to join a project interested by integrating the biodiversity of cyanobacteria in the monitoring assesments of aquatic or terrestrial biotopes where they play a role as primary producers.
project Dr. Çelikoğlu Turkey We would like to participate in a project as a partner. My intersts are Cyanobacteria, molecular identification of cyanobacteria, metagenome, cyanobacteria metabolite profiling, cyanotoxin, cyanotoxin genes identification and blooms.
project Dr. Celikoglu Turkey I want to participate in an existing project as a partner. I can perform protein purification and detection of cyanotoxins by HPLC.
project PhD Marzec-Grządziel Poland I would like to join a project on the broad biodiversity of different environments. Combining microbiology with other sciences can yield an interdisciplinary project that has a better chance of a positive evaluation by the committee.
project Assoc.Prof.Dr. Maraşlıoğlu Turkey We are looking for a project where we can measure the toxicity and pollution level of freshwaters and relate them to algae and cyanobacteria.
project Assistant Professor, Ph.D. Petrovic Czech Republic I am looking for a project to join related to the fields of agronomy/agriculture, biodiversity, organic agriculture, organic fertilizers, Internal qualities of vegetables (vitamin C, antioxidants, heavy metals..), soil microbiology, industry 4.0, BAT, animal welfare.
project Professor Martinez-Garcia Spain Given my expertise and skills, I´ll be thrilled to join to -either- a broad or a very focus project that take into account microbes, which are one of the main components that fuel our biological engine in the biosphere.
project Dr Ledwoń Poland Bird monitoring, freshwater/carp ponds monitoring
project Dr Vu Germany broad thematic
project CNRS reseach director Blanc France A new method for systematically identifying the cellular hosts of environmental viruses. Metagenomics is the reference method for exploring and documenting the diversity of viruses in the environment. Although a multitude of viruses can be discovered by this approach, it suffers from a strong li...
project Dr Villenave France projet
project PhD Eldessouki Czech Republic Our specialized team conducts research, development, and innovation activities in advanced materials, digitalization, industry 4.0, structural health monitoring, and life cycle assessment. We are open to collaborate in innovation projects within these areas and beyond.
project PhD Çetinkaya Turkey We would like to take part as a partner in studies related to rivers and lakes. We are especially happy to be involved in a project for the sustainability of endemic (freshwater) fish species.
project assistant professor Reczyńska Poland I am particularly interested in joining the project which is being prepared for the latest call: Launch of the Biodiversa+ BiodivMon Call for Research Proposals on “Improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society”. I am also interested in any kin...
project Senior researcher Rozylowicz Romania THEME 1 – Innovation and harmonization of methods and tools for collection and management of biodiversity monitoring data THEME 2 – Addressing knowledge gaps on biodiversity status, dynamics, and trends to reverse biodiversity loss THEME 3 – Making use of available biodiversity monitoring data
project PhD Hunyadi Hungary We would participate in the development of monitoring systems based on remotely sensed data, either in ecological or built environment projects. Our team has more than 15 years experience in remote sensing.
project M.Sc. Nikoleta Simopoulou Simopoulou Greece I am looking for a project to join related to the mentioned above disciplines. I would also like contributing to field work in biodiversity documentation and/or consevation of any department.
project PhD Nowak-Olejnik Poland I am interested in a broad topic concerning the influence of global change on biodiversity and ecosystem services.
project Dr Nones Poland I'm looking for a project with a focus on rivers and the effects of hydrology on biodiversity.
project Researcher Solomou Greece Ecology, plant biodiversity, utilization of aromatic and medicinal plants, monitoring, effects of environmental factors on plant biodiversity, ecosystem services, agricultural, forestry and urban ecosystems.
project PhD Vincenot France Response of biodiversity to forestry management practices with regard to mycorrhizal symbioses.
project PhD Student Cedrés Perdomo Spain I would like to contribute in a project about ecology in general or plant ecology and/or taxonomy.
project Professor RODRÍGUEZ Spain there are four main topics of my interest : * multitrophic aquaculture and other sustainable aquaculture systems and processes, * lipid metabolism an lipid biomarkers related to marine trophic ecology, global change and biodiversity conservation, *improvement of omega-3 lc-pufa metabolism in ani...
project Dr. Alcázar-Treviño Spain I would like to join a project that uses acoustics to monitor marine biodiversity, either passive or active acoustics, since I could help to gather data in my region, through collaboration with other researchers from the Canary Islands, and participate in the processing and analysing the results.
project CEO Hummer Austria We are searching for projects to join for utilizing Citizen Science and Science Communication in digital Apps and toolkits for data gathering and community building. As an SME, we are happy to offer our know-how and services within research projects, applying for Horizon Europe and other research...
project Prof. Dr. Pohle-Fröhlich Germany I offer expertise in image analysis and machine learning, I am nterested to join a project on insect biodiversity monitoring using new methods
project Assoc. prof. Lemic Croatia Invasive insect monitoring, Pests monitoring
project M.Sc. Viric Gasparic Croatia I am looking for a project as a researcher in the field of agronomy / agriculture. The project could involve research on populations, abundance, biodiversity, monitoring or sampling of organisms related to terrestrial zoology, mainly entomology (insects) but also earthworms, spiders, snails, etc....
project Assistant professor Fassatoui Tunisia I am looking for a project that is interested in the study of the interaction between marine biodiversity, pollution (e.g. heavy metals) and impact on genetic diversity.
project Dr Mishra Ireland I am looking for a project where I can exploit the applied aspects of my expertise related to healthy, sustainable, green buildings and built environment. We spend nearly 90% of our lives inside buildings of one form or another. Thus, the built environment has become an integral part of our natur...
project Dr. Klečka Czech Republic Interested to join a project on either: i) insect biodiversity monitoring using novel methods, such as DNA metabarcoding, ii) pollinators, or iii) plant-animal interactions, where our lab could contribute by doing experiments, data collection in the field, or DNA metabarcoding.
project Dr. Sarlin Finland Looking for projects related to characterization of microbial diversity status (bacteria, archaea, fungi) in Nordic agri-food ecosystems or arctic and deep subsurface environments. Development and harmonisation of methods and tools for biodiversity monitoring. The exploitation of ecosystem servic...
project dr. Kaján Hungary Would be interested in monitoring the diversity and fitness of avian populations and perhaps the screening of these populations for different viruses and connecting these viruses to different pathologies.
project MSc Olivier France Data collection, citizen science, remote sensing, ai, sensors, bioacoustics, big data
project Dr. Lepais France I would be keen to join a project studying (1) the relative effects of environmental changes and species ecology on the structuration of biological diversity of plant communities at both the population (genetic diversity) and community levels (species diversity); or more broadly, (2) the impact o...
project Dr. Lapin Austria The research of plants, fungi, and animals in forest ecosystems provides insights into measures for promoting biodiversity, genetically sustainable forest management, protection and management of genetic resources, and promotion of the adaptive and survival capacity of complex forest ecosystems.
project Affiliated Researcher / Project De Ca... France I don't have a project yet.
project Msc Méndez Spain We are looking for a project to bring in our expertise in projects related with census and monitoring of different species, development of conservation actions on threatened species, study of feeding habitat and management of movement data. Also, we have broad experience in landscape and territor...
project Prof. Ryo Germany I offer data science approach like machine learning and deep learning for large data analysis.
project Professor De Filippis Italy I may contribute to every projects looking for microbial ecology in complex environments, including soil and natural environments, foods, host-associated microbiome
project Dr Pereira Portugal We provides innovative solutions in the field of genetic testing, offering products and services that allow the assessment of biodiversity and broad genetic analyses. We offer expertise on DNA analyses, DNA isolation, Genotyping, Population Genetics, Bioinformatics, Metagenomics, and development ...
project Ms. Lisnic Moldova Improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society.
project Dr. Kopf France Analysis of liquid samples, lab-on-chip, encapsulation, microfluidics
project PhD Falco Italy The project, which I would like to participate should be regarded the study of physiology chancing on marine animals due to at anthropogenic stressor and their ecological impact on habit environment. The main physiological chancing manage by epigenetic mechanism may be studied to provide mor...
project Dr. Tomelleri Italy Climate change, biodiversity and forest structure/management. Integration of in-situ and remote sensed data.
project PhD CRisà Italy I'ld like to join a project on the TEMA 2: Addressing knowledge gaps on biodiversity status, dynamics, and trends to reverse biodiversity loss.
project PhD Almada Portugal We are looking for a project aiming for an European network monitoring inshore rocky reefs
project PhD Tello Spain We are currently applying as a pilot project the SAFRA model to the island of Menorca, fed with site-specific data on the best agricultural, livestock and forestry practices as well as with nature protection data from the Observatory of this UNESCO Biodiversity Reserve, to explore feasible scenar...
project PhD Borruso Italy Soil microbiology and biodiversity
project Dr. Lyach Czech Republic We want to join a project that aims to be interdisciplinary by adding sociological and psychological research expertise to an already existing proposal in the fields of environmental research, innovation, or technology.
project Associate Professor Tzakos Greece Metabolites play a key role in all organisms by regulating, balancing, adapting to habitats, physical and climatic factors, and protecting against pathogens and predators.Metabolites are the result of both biological and environmental factors, and as such provide great potential to bridge knowled...
project Prof. Dr. Nicoletti Italy Any project dealing with both descriptive and applicative aspects concerning endophytic fungal communities
project Eng. Cachao Portugal We would be interest on the assessment of biodiversity according to agriculture practices and how can we find new solutions to improve it. We be also be interest in the development of new solutions for biocontrol on pests and dieases.
project Dr. Rosbakh Denmark I would like to join a project dealing with improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society (the upcoming call). I am much interested in drivers and consequences of biodiversity decline in natural and man-made ecosystems, particularly in predicting e...
project RNDr. Ph.D. Peterka Czech Republic The aim of the project is to reduce populations of undesirable fish species in two reservoirs by intensive biomanipulation interventions, stocking brown trout and minnow into the reservoirs and their catchments and setting up the management to achieve their stable self-reproducing populations. Th...
project Doctor Gorintin France We are looking for project on Biodiversity surveillance and monitoring related to energy production, storage, transport, distribution and Use. We have already set up a whide variety of sensors relative to biodiversity monitoring : - Lépinoc, an automated moths and butterflies monitoring demonst...
project Dr Borruso Italy Soil biodiversity, molecular ecology and ecology
project Professor Zucconi Italy I am looking for a project to join on monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change. Soil microbial communities are critical to the maintenance of key soil processes such as litter decomposition, nutrient cycling, and plant productivity and are thus integral to human well-being. Microbial diver...
project doctoral degree Cristina Moldova The theme of project is the investigate crime of biodiversity.
project Prof. Khoury Jordan Improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society: The assemblages of bird bones found in early Neolithic sites in SW Jordan show that despite of naturally caused climatic change, the dominant or common passage migrants did not change significantly du...
project - simon Romania We are looking to join for a project dealing with centers for nature, for biodiversity which enable the reseacrh on protected species and natural area including here their inventory, protection, conservation and also the educational component on this field addressed to young people.
project PHD PIRKER Austria The Association “Gartenpolylog - gardeners of the world cooperate”“ promotes since 2007 the idea of community gardens in Austria. We have initiated and implemented several community garden projects. The association offers a platform for community garden networks and supports existing and ne...
project Dr Dobrosavljević Serbia I would like to join a project dealing with insect communities, and influence of environmental factors on them
project Prof. DAUBARAS Lithuania To join projects on peatlands protection and restoration after peat excavation
project Association Professor Klimek-Kopyra Poland I would like to join projects in on broad thematic, since I have an expertise on environmental and different agriculture areas, following a multi-actor and multisectoral approach, promoting scientific knowledge and the connection between science and policies.
project Expert ecologue / biodiversity Séver... Benin Ecology, Biodiversity and Monitoring.
project Dr Wahdan Egypt Active microbial diversity and multifunctionality of ecosystems. metagenomic studies, amplicon sequencing. Soil and rhizosphere microbiomes. distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.
project dr. Gruss Poland I would like to join to a project on searching for new indicators of soil health and functionality, based on organisms including soil fauna in agricultural areas.
project Professor Schmidt Denmark Looking for projects related to biotic interactions and ecosystem services and how to monitor those on larger scales.
project PhD Santiago Portugal CESAM´s would like to join projects in on broad thematic, since it has expertise on environmental and marine scientific areas, following a multi-actor and multisectoral approach, promoting scientific knowledge and the connection between science and policies. CESAM is committed to policy challeng...
project Associate Professor Pappas Greece ecology, biodiversity, monitoring, ecosystem services