Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2022-2023 on "Improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society (BiodivMon)"
Looking for a Contact Country Description
partner PhD Vardakas Greece Application of various pilot nature-based solutions for the conservation of threatened fish species in streams and rivers.
partner PhD in Medical Sciences Soares Pontes Brazil We are seeking partners in a project to study the virome diversity and abundance of freshwater ecosystems in the Amazon Basin.
partner Dr Helene France LIENSs proposes to better understand the responses of marine bivalves to environmental stress caused by underwater noise. Specifically, the actions will focus on measuring biochemical and physiological biomarkers of harbour organisms; the results will allow extrapolation of effects occurring at h...
partner Professor BENHALIMA Morocco Atlas of spiders in the Afromediterranean area
partner Ms. Mugo Kenya In response to the BiodivERsA+ joint call for research proposals on “Improved Transnational Monitoring of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Change for Science and Society” (BiodivMon), we are seeking a research Partner to collaborate with in a project that covers all three research themes. The proje...
partner PhD, senior researcher Hillebrand-Voi... Romania Our proposal targets the sulphidic aquifer located in South Dobrogea (Romania) with a focus on Movile Cave. Developed in sarmatian limestones, on two levels, one dry and one submerged, Movile Cave harbours the first ever discovered terrestrial ecosystem almost entirely based on chemosynthesis and...
partner Professor of Higher éducation EL AZZ... Morocco The effect of climatic changes on the animal components of lakes, adjacent natural areas and natural sources, Khemisset Province, Rabat-Salé-Kenitra, Morocco
partner dr Urbaniak Poland Project title: Biodiversity studies in ecological corridors of green infrastructure. Estimation of the level of genetic similarity between the populations of plant species within the existing ecological corridors, including barriers and areas of good migration for plant species. Commonly known ...
partner PhD PARISI Italy To whom it may concern, We would like to propose a collaboration in the European call "Biodiversa+" and specifically for the third research theme. The project we are writing embraces both themes of antimicrobial resistance and microplastics, which are the most serious threats to environmental he...
partner PhD Researcher Costa Portugal Knowing the importance of algae for aquatic ecosystems around the globe and bearing in mind the climate changes that have affected their abundance and diversity, the goals of this project are: 1) Identifying the associated biodiversity with algae for attempting to recognize exotic, native, and en...
partner Dr. Nogueira Brazil I am looking for partners and candidates for the junior postdoctoral fellowship (PDJ/CNPq) to work on the project "Building bridges for sustainable transitions through prioritizing ecological restoration and valuing Mato Grosso agroecosystems", to be submitted for national and international fundi...
partner Dr. eng. Trifan Romania We are looking for partners in a project about creating a gene bank with plant seeds from drought-resistant species. Also, we are looking to be partner in another project in agriculture for biodiversity.
partner Dr. Denis Brazil Busco parceiros e candidatos à bolsa de pós-doutorado-junior (PDJ/CNPq) para trabalhar no projeto "Construindo pontes para transições sustentáveis através da priorização de restauração ecológica e valoração dos agroecossistemas Mato-grossenses", a ser submetido para aquisição de re...
partner Dr. Berti Germany I am looking for a partner to integrate ideas and data from several European conservation sites to understand the effects of wild mammals on habitat restoration. I need contribution on establishing a network of relevant areas for which data can be obtained.
partner Professor Özer Turkey I hope to find partners to work on the parasite fauna of invasive fishes that have entered the Mediterranean Sea and either settled or moved toward Turkish coastal areas. Our project to be created together will provide us with detailed data to observe the current status of such invasions througho...
partner Dr Maienza Italy We are looking partners with expertise on plants biodiversity /botanical and ecosystems modelling for a project adress to THEME 1
partner Doctor in Agricultural Sciences Olive... Brazil We need a partner to: 1. contribute IN LOCAL DEVELOPMENT, in the AMAZONIA CONTEXT 2. CONTRIBUTE in export products from biodiversity... 3. contribute with amazonian traditional people... 4. contribute with environmental services 5. contribute with local BIOECONOMY 6. contribute with ESG ASPECTS
partner PhD Tavşanoğlu Turkey Here we are looking partners for our project, developing a rapid monitoring method for assessment of wetlands. We would like to develop a tool to be tested in different countries. We would like to build partnerships from different countries in order to prepare monitoring standards and procedures ...
partner Assistant Prof BAHAR Turkey -Wastewater treatment plants holds rich microbial biodiversity for recycling sewage water. Discharge water from these facilities have enormous effects on ecosystem and environment. We are looking for partners to fill the knowledge gap of how wastewater treatment effluent changes the microbiota of...
partner PhD Em Agroecologia Lovis Trentin Brazil Projetos sobre biodiversidade e agricultura sustentável
partner Prof. Mitrus Poland Agricultural areas in Europe are an important habitat for many species of wild animals. At the same time, there is a decline in the diversity and density of birds associated with the agricultural landscape. In recent years, the share of maize cultivation in the total agricultural area has been gr...
partner Dr Machado Brazil we are looking for partners that can complement our knoledge, in remote sensing and genetics. And others who are interesting in joing the group.
partner Assistant Professor Riente Italy I would like to join a project that focus on biodiversity conservation, monitoring within the following research areas: - Biodiversity and Ecosystems Management - Ecology - Biological Invasions - Plant-Plant Interactions - Insect-Plant Interaction - Pollinator-Monitoring - Ecological Restoration ...
partner Assoc. Prof. Karadurmuş Turkey This project aims to contribute to the improvement of the Marmara Sea ecosystem and the sustainable management of fan mussel populations, which play an important ecological role in the Mediterranean. The goal of this study is to preserve the integrity of the marine ecosystem with sustainable mana...
partner Engineer Faugno Italy 3Bee is developing a biodiversity index, mixing data about Insects and plant coming from IoT sensor and satellite images processing. We are looking for a partner with expertise in agronomics or pollinators.
partner Yasin Kurt Turkey erosion of the ozone layer
partner MA Jaspers Netherlands I would like to offer 3 research locations, where different projects could be done. I am one of the initiators of GeuzeGroen, a 2.5 ha public community food forest in Zoetermeer, the Netherlands (former agricultural land, heavy clay), managed by stichting Voedselbuurtbos. In this starting fores...
partner Dr. Zejda Czech Republic Our goal is to asses available geospatial data and time series related to biodiversity and state of the nature in selected protected areas which serve at the same time as tourist destinations and evaluate how the data could be interpreted and presented as a foundation for data-driven consensual p...
partner Prof PhD erişmiş Turkey I would like to join especially projects dealing with monitoring of Wildlife Epidemiology (on the determination and characterization of the epidemiology of pathogens (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, Ranavirus (Amphibians and Reptilia) and Snake fungal disease, Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola or there...
partner Dr. Pálffy Hungary Developing a flexible framework for aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem function monitoring Although eutrophication is a major threat to freshwater systems, this issue and the countermeasures taken are narrowed down in focus and do not necessarily guarantee a return to improved ecosystem function...
partner Dr. Birardi Italy Project related to soil biodiversity assessment. The main goal will be to develop a novel assesment method and technology based on Machine Learning, through Living lab an Citezen Science Approach
partner PhD Alves Gomes Brazil I look for a partner to analyze a large database assembled in the last 25 yeas that includes information about biogeography, population genetics, and electric organ discharge of electric fish in the Rio Negro Basin - Amazon.
partner Doctorate Mounic Silva Brazil Hydroconnectivity in Tropical Waters. The project intends to analyze the role of small and medium hydropower plants in the ecology of tropical rivers, focusing on four ecological dimensions: river hydrodynamics, fish, microbial life and climate change. This project emerged from a context of incre...
partner Dr Slater Germany Project related to biodiversity mappng and protection in Mekong and Ton le Sap, Cambodia. Comparison of key migratory fish with Alosa alosa or similar in European systems.
partner Doctor Santos Brazil Projects about pollen flora (actuo or past), pollen analysis of bee products (mainly honey, propolis, and pollen loads), and interactions of plant-bat (pollen analysis).
partner PhD Pereira Brazil I have expertise in soil and plant microbiomes. Specifically, I am working focused on Drylands ecosystems.
partner PhD Goubet France We are looking for a partner to respond to an european open call
partner Dr Simaika Netherlands We are partnered with Freshwater BON (a GEOBON node) - looking for partners who want to harmonize biodiversity monitoring methods (traditional and modern) and data, and upscale biodiversity monitoring. About GLOSAM: The IUCN SSC Task Force on Global Freshwater Macroinvertebrate Sampling Protoco...
partner PhD Lozano Bilbao Spain I would like to be able to analyze heavy metals and trace elements in different marine organisms that are the same or of the same gender in different countries in order to know if they are suitable as good bioindicators for all places in the world. It would also be interesting, together with isot...
partner PhD Furtak Poland I would like to determine the impact of wind farms on the soil environment - in particular the microbiome and nutrient flow. The partner must be able to take soil samples from the wind farm site. The more power stations the better.
partner Dr. Bán Hungary We have developed OpenBioMaps, a versatile biological data management platform and service used mainly by national parks and research labs for their day-to-day data collection and management tasks. All components of OpenBioMaps are free and open source. Although OpenBioMaps is an existing and co...
partner - Bozóki Hungary The main thematic areas which our knowledge centre interested are: 1. Biodiversity and ecosystem services 2. Clean environment and zero pollution
partner Assoc. Prof. Naderi Turkey Improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society
partner MsC Galiana Spain The strategy of the custody agreement is based on “win-win” negotiation, so that the actions are doubly oriented towards improving biodiversity and benefiting agricultural activity. To do this, they go first through the diagnosis of the problems and the definition of the challenges that rice ...
partner PhD Elisovetcaia Moldova Conservation and restoration of beech forests (Fagus sylvatica L.) in changing climatic conditions We are looking for partners from the Czech Republic, Poland and Romania for a joint project (we already have partners from Slovak Republic). We have the technology of beech seeds treatment before st...
partner Full Professor Khaoua Algeria I have an ongoing pre-project intitled : "Growth impacts on Economic and Natural resources: Prospect for a New Economic Policy". My main idea is to pursue my researches and deepen it on the links between actual economic policy and environmental damages and natural resources loss. Answering this ...