Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2022-2023 on "Improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society (BiodivMon)"
Looking for :
a partner (for my project)
Contact details
Dr. Denis Nogueira
Mato Grosso
Denis Silva Nogueira
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso
Ecology of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems; Forest ecology of the Amazon-Cerrado transition; Biodiversity conservation; Environmental impact assessment; ecosystem management; Evaluation and valuation of agroecosystem services; Geospatial Analysis; Statistics applied to the analysis of biodiversity.
I am looking for partners and candidates for the junior postdoctoral fellowship (PDJ/CNPq) to work on the project "Building bridges for sustainable transitions through prioritizing ecological restoration and valuing Mato Grosso agroecosystems", to be submitted for national and international funding agencies.
aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, ecology of the amazon-cerrado transition, biodiversity conservation, environmental impact assessment, ecosystem management, valuation of agroecosystem services, geospatial analysis, applied ecology, and biodiversity statistics.