Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2022-2023 on "Improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society (BiodivMon)"
I am electrical engineer with specialization in measurements and dynamic systems and also doctor in atomic physics with specialization in biophotonics and laser remote sensing. My skill include building realistic photonic instrumentation, applied spectroscopy, light-tissue interaction, environmental monitoring, signal processing, statistical methods and clustering. I am expert in entomological lidar and we are currently developing tools for online in situ biodiversity assessment. I dozens of lidars around the world of various types, I am co-founder of the African Spectral Imaging Network (AFSIN) and also the spin-off company FaunaPhotonics. My research group currently have activities on hyperspectral imaging and lidar of insects, lidar and target characterization for insects and vegetation analysis. I also have experience in more conventional fields such as biomedical optics as well as aerosol and molecular lidar.
Electrical engineering, electronics, information engineering
Forestry and forest sciences
Infectious Diseases
Other Biological Sciences
Remote Sensing
I am looking to combine entomological lidar for biodiversity assessment with other techniques.