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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2022-2023 on "Improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society (BiodivMon)"
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PhD Ivar Zekker
University of Tartu
Chemistry Institute

I am looking for a project to join
Dr. Ivar Zekker (male), has graduated University of Tartu, PhD in Environmental Technology holding professional employment from 2009-till today in UT, from 2013 till today as Research Fellow in University of Tartu, Estonia. During his studies he participated in a 6 month PhD exchange programme in Ghent University/Laboratory of Microbial Ecology and Technology (LabMet) in Belgium. Within 2011-2022 Ivar Zekker has published 71 papers in peer-reviewed journals (according to Scopus database 81 peer- reviewed papers). Papers have been cited 1538 times, resulting in an h-index of 28. The main focus of his studies is connected with studies and development of anaerobic ammonium oxidation process in various nitrogen- rich sidestream and mainstream wastewater treatment pilots and full-scale processes in cooperation with European and Indian partners. Also, recent studies have involved composting of anaerobic sludge and fungal capture of heavy metals and emerging pollutants from compost. Methods for nitrogen and carbon determination have been developed in the lab where Dr Zekker is working.
Chemical Engineering
Fisheries Science and Technology
Would be interested in collaborating in nutrient cycling, heavy metal pollution or other various researches.
ammonia, anaerobic ammonium oxidation, heavy metals

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