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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2022-2023 on "Improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society (BiodivMon)"
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M.A. Tomasz Rozwalka
Poznan Plant Breeding Ltd.
Research and Development

I am looking for a project to join
Poznan Plant Breeding Ltd. is a Polish large enterprise belonging to the National Food Group. The company's mission is to implement biological progress in plant production and to provide farmers in Poland and Europe with good quality certified seed at an affordable price. Statutory activity of PHR includes creative breeding, conservative breeding and production of qualified seed of agricultural plants.

Creative breeding of new varieties includes the following species: winter wheat, winter and spring barley, winter rye, pea, narrow-leaved lupine and yellow lupine. PHR conducts conservation breeding of varieties bred in the company as well as seed production and sale of high quality elite and certified seed, primarily for varieties of its own breeding.

The main competitive advantage of PHR is putting strong emphasis on developing new products and technologies - substantial part of company’s staff is employed in the R&D. PHR implements innovative techniques into breeding practice that allow to shorten the duration of breeding programs. Implementation of doubled haploid (DH) techniques, single seed descent (SSD) method and the use of molecular markers on an industrial scale is a technological innovation on the Polish scale and increases the company's competitiveness on the domestic and European market, while allowing to save the financial resources needed to conduct field experiments on a very wide plant material.
We are interested to join a project on biodiversity monitoring data in agriculture.

We possess 7.400 hectares of farmland enabling to produce 10-12 thousand tons of seeds annually as well as modern breeding and seed production buildings, greenhouses and field equipment.
agriculture, plant breeding, seed production

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