Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2022-2023 on "Improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society (BiodivMon)"
Looking for :
a project to join
Contact details
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Boris Rewald
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
I am a plant ecologist and ecophysiologist dedicated to study the "hidden half", i.e. belowground processes driven by plants, theier symbiont and the microbiome. Recent projects include interactions of the barley microbiome with root/plant funtioning i.a. stress resistance, and effects of tree diversity on soil microbial diversity and geochemical cycles. In addition, I develope methodologies to further unravel the hidden half, e.g. maschine learning approached for root detection/species identification, or NIR-spectrometry for automatizing soil C, N measurements in situ. I work in both forest and agricultural production systems (temperate to tropics) & urban ecosystems, and would like to work more in truely pristine ecosystems. I hold experience with managing large scale projects and EU project applications. See Website and RG links given for recent publication and projects.
I am looking for a project to join which wants/thinks about including belowground aspects in their relevant RQ.
If my expertise might match or might help to expand the set goals, please do not hesitate to contact me for an informal discussion.
Currently, I am most interested to join projects which aim to relate soil microbial diversity to plant functioning and diversity (belowground) and how this related to i) yield and yield stability, and ii) other ecosystem services such as C sequestration and limited N leaching. However, I remain open for any ideas which want to include aspects of the "hidden half" to tackle real world challenges.
Non planned anymore in 2022. However, contact me anytime via email or phone to set a quick meeting via ZOOM or MS Teams. See for contact details.