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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2022-2023 on "Improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society (BiodivMon)"
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Contact details
PhD Agnieszka Nowak-Olejnik
Jagiellonian University

I am looking for a project to join
I am a landscape ecologist interested in ecosystem services evaluation, land use changes, and the influence of global change on ecosystem services and biodiversity. Currently, I am involved in a project concerning the impact of landscape features on cultural ecosystem services. In my work, I use GIS for spatial analysis, social research and field studies.
Conservation Biology
Environmental Psychology
Landscape ecology
Physical Geography
Spatial planning and urban development
Urban Ecology
I am interested in a broad topic concerning the influence of global change on biodiversity and ecosystem services.
landscape, ecosystem services, land use change

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