Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2022-2023 on "Improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society (BiodivMon)"
I am a postdoc at the Universidad de La Laguna (Spain) and Spanish Oceanographic Institute. For my PhD I analysed biologging data: acoustic DTAGs deployed on deep diving cetaceans. I also analysed passive acoustic monitoring data from SoundTrap deployments in mesopelagic waters, detecting the presence of odontocetes and describing the marine soundscape, combined with active acoustic sampling with a scientific echosounder (SIMRAD EK80). I routinely use MATLAB and R for processing and interpreting acoustic data, applying statistical models to the results.
I would like to join a project that uses acoustics to monitor marine biodiversity, either passive or active acoustics, since I could help to gather data in my region, through collaboration with other researchers from the Canary Islands, and participate in the processing and analysing the results.
bioacoustics, marine biodiversity, marine mammals, biologging, active acoustics, passive acoustic monitoring, mesopelagic, deep waters