Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2022-2023 on "Improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society (BiodivMon)"
Engineer and innovator working towards optimising indoor climate quality of healthy, smart, low energy buildings. Domain Expertise: Indoor climate quality in healthy, low energy buildings, occupant thermal comfort and performance, HVAC systems, low energy indoor conditioning, adaptive comfort models and free running buildings, human thermoregulation and bio-heat transfer
Recent works: 1. M Coggins, N Wemken, A K Mishra, M Sharkey, L Horgan, H Cowie, E Bourdin, and B McIntyre. Indoor air quality, thermal comfort and ventilation in deep energy retrofitted Irish dwellings. Building and Environment (2022): 109236. 2. A J Leonardi and A K Mishra. A Sanitation Argument for Clean Indoor Air: Meeting a Requisite for Safe Public Spaces. Frontiers in Public Health, 2022, 3. X Zhang, A K Mishra, P Wargocki. Effects from Exposures to Human Bioeffluents and Carbon Dioxide. Handbook of Indoor Air Quality, Editors: Y Zhang, P K Hopke, C Mandin. Springer, Singapore.
Civil engineering and urban infrastructure (construction and transport)
Energy and Fuels
Flow of energy and matter
I am looking for a project where I can exploit the applied aspects of my expertise related to healthy, sustainable, green buildings and built environment. We spend nearly 90% of our lives inside buildings of one form or another. Thus, the built environment has become an integral part of our natural environment. Hence, we would need to focus on moving towards buildings that are energy efficient, low emissions, and also provide a health living space for their occupants.