Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2022-2023 on "Improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society (BiodivMon)"
Looking for :    a partner (for my project)
Contact details
Full Professor Nadji Khaoua
University of Badji Mokhtar

I am looking for a partner (for my project)
I am an economists, focusing on "Environmental and Natural Resources" researches linked to Algerian territories cases.
Keywords : Algeria; Environment impacts; Economic valuations; Prospective studies.
My relevant publications are :
2019. « Enjeux Territoriaux et Transition Economique en Algérie »
In : Dr Dirèche K. (Sd). L’Algérie au Présent. IRMC-Khartala. Paris. France.
2017. ‘Development Crisis in Algeria: Colonial Roots’ linkages and Institutional failure.”
Eadi Nordic 2017, W.G. “Postcolonial Perspectives on and within Development”. Bergen. Norway.
2014. « L’écodéveloppement dans le cadre du partenariat euro-méditerranéen ». Rapport de recherche n°34. FEMISE. Marseille. France.
Ongoing pre-project:
"Growth impacts on Economic and Natural resources: Prospect for a New Economic Policy".
Management sciences
Sociology of the Environment
I have an ongoing pre-project intitled : "Growth impacts on Economic and Natural resources: Prospect for a New Economic Policy".
My main idea is to pursue my researches and deepen it on the links between actual economic policy and environmental damages and natural resources loss. Answering this important question will conduct to valuate more precesily the natural resources losses. The target is to convince for a complete economic policy change taking into account the natural resources conservation and promotion.
algeria, environment, natural resources, economic impacts valuation, economic policy, economic policy change.
The next scientific meeting I will attend is sheduled at Djerba (Tunisia), septembre 2022.
" O.S.A.E. - Université d’été « Changement climatique, insécurité alimentaire et crises
sociales ». 1-10 septembre 2022. Djerba - Tunisie.
My intervention for this upcoming international conference is :
"Modèles de production et changement climatique en Algérie : cas
de la région d’Annaba".

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